Customs and its staff shall implement the duty of collection of customs duties in line with their delegated power and legal procedures, protect the national interests, safeguard the lawful benefits of taxpayers, and accept supervision according to laws. 第六条海关及其工作人员应当依照法定职权和法定程序履行关税征管职责,维护国家利益,保护纳税人合法权益,依法接受监督。
Local governments must completely let go of powers that should be delegated to the market or society, and properly exercise the power of review over all items that have been delegated to them by higher-level governments. 地方政府对应当放给市场和社会的权力,要彻底放、不截留,对上级下放的审批事项,要接得住、管得好。
Now that the central government has delegated the power of approval to the local government, it only took two months for the project to be approved. 现在中央把有关权力下放给地方政府,两个月就落地了。
The legislative power, being but a delegated power from the people, cannot be transferred to any other hands. 立法权即只是源于人民的一种委托权不能转到任何他人之手。
Courts generally perform only one function, the resolution of disputes in adversary proceedings, while agencies typically have been delegated a variety of managerial and policymaking responsibilities in addition to the power to adjudicate particular cases. 法院一般只履行一种职责,即在对抗诉讼里解决纠纷,而行政机关除被授予权力裁断某些案件外,还典型地被授予各种管理性和决策性责任。
This objection would be a good one if Congress had delegated something approximating its entire warmaking power to the President. 如果国会将几乎完整的战争权都赋予总统,那么这项异议就是正当的。
The queen delegated the entire warmaking power to her husband. 女王赋予了她丈夫发动战争的全部权利。
Although often described as federal organizations, these leagues actually were confederacies that delegated little power to central authority. 虽然常常被称作联邦组织,但是这些联盟所赋予中央权力机构的权力非常有限。
If we had not delegated power to lower levels, how could we have reached the present level of economic development? 如果不放,经济发展能搞出今天这样一个规模来吗?
Mrs White delegated her power of attorney to her nephew. authorized delegate [ Commissioner of Correctional Services] 怀特夫人授权她的侄子作为她的代理人。
In a verb meaning, delegated legislation is a legislative action that legislature gives its own legislative power to another organ which can undertake legislative responsibility and make laws. 授权立法,在动词意义上讲,是指立法机关将自己享有的立法权授予另一个能够承担立法责任的机关,该机关根据授权要求所进行的立法活动。
From the perspective of institution, law of regional national autonomy and legislative law, legislative institution of national autonomous areas enjoys great legislative power and delegated legislation power. 从宪法、民族区域自治法和立法法的有关条款及立法精神来看,民族自治地方的立法机关享有广泛的立法职权,可以制定实施性法规、自主性法规和变通性法规。